AOLSHI works mainly through Non Governmental Organizations and Community Based groups in USA, GHANA and HAITI . Our strategy of working through partnerships is intended to build institutional capacity of groups, supporting innovation and ensuring that the funding provided meets the needs of the target beneficiaries and is culturally relevant. In doing so, the Foundation encourages its grantees to forge collaborations and partnerships with local and national government agencies to enhance sustainability of the projects.

The Foundation also seeks collaboration with other grant makers and international agencies working in its target areas. Where necessary, the Foundation will leverage additional funding from other sources to support partners’ initiatives.
An important component of the Foundation’s work is the dedication to documenting and analysing the projects we fund to assist in strengthening our future grantmaking and assist in influencing policies and practice in the areas we operate.

Networking And Partnership

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There are a number of important actors and individuals already active in the areas the Foundation aims to work in. Therefore, collaborative relationships will be forged with key groups of actors

Civil Society

The Foundation will mainly work through Non Governmental Organizations, community based groups, including faith-based organisations, youth and women’s groups in USA, GHANA and HAITI. Our strategy of working through partnerships is intended to build institutional capacity of groups, supporting innovation and ensuring that the funding provided meets the needs of the target beneficiaries and is culturally relevant. In doing so, the Foundation encourages its grantees to forge collaborations and partnerships with local and national government agencies to enhance sustainability of the projects.

Other foundations

AOLSHI Foundation will identify and where necessary partner with Foundations that work in similar intervention areas. Efforts will be made to encourage international Foundations to invest and work in USA through “joint funding” initiatives.


The Foundation is cognizant of the fact that its interventions are the primary responsibility of the government. Thus, the Foundation will not operate in a manner that conveys an impression that these interventions will absolve government of its responsibility. Therefore the Foundation will encourage the Organizations it supports to work with governments at all levels, including the state and national assemblies, government ministries, departments and agencies. The Foundation will also seek to involve government agencies in the assessment of the projects implemented to ensure that the grants provided are utilized for the approved purposes.